Lama celeste
Tipo di Arma
Release Date
settembre 28, 2020 4 anni, 4 mesi, 1 settimana, 4 giorni, 1 ora, 37 minuti, 9 secondi fa
Base ATK (Lv. 1 - 90)
2nd Stat Type
2nd Stat (Lv. 1 - 90)
46 - 608
Energy Recharge
12% - 55.1%
Sky-Piercing Fang
CRIT Rate increased by 4 %. Gains Skypiercing Might upon using an Elemental Burst: Increases Movement SPD by 10%, increases ATK SPD by 10%, and Normal and Charged hits deal additional DMG equal to 20 % of ATK. Skypiercing Might lasts for 12s.
1 → 2
Cost ×2,000
Sky-Piercing Fang
CRIT Rate increased by 5 %. Gains Skypiercing Might upon using an Elemental Burst: Increases Movement SPD by 10%, increases ATK SPD by 10%, and Normal and Charged hits deal additional DMG equal to 25 % of ATK. Skypiercing Might lasts for 12s.
2 → 3
Cost ×4,000
Sky-Piercing Fang
CRIT Rate increased by 6 %. Gains Skypiercing Might upon using an Elemental Burst: Increases Movement SPD by 10%, increases ATK SPD by 10%, and Normal and Charged hits deal additional DMG equal to 30 % of ATK. Skypiercing Might lasts for 12s.
3 → 4
Cost ×8,000
Sky-Piercing Fang
CRIT Rate increased by 7 %. Gains Skypiercing Might upon using an Elemental Burst: Increases Movement SPD by 10%, increases ATK SPD by 10%, and Normal and Charged hits deal additional DMG equal to 35 % of ATK. Skypiercing Might lasts for 12s.
4 → 5
Cost ×16,000
Sky-Piercing Fang
CRIT Rate increased by 8 %. Gains Skypiercing Might upon using an Elemental Burst: Increases Movement SPD by 10%, increases ATK SPD by 10%, and Normal and Charged hits deal additional DMG equal to 40 % of ATK. Skypiercing Might lasts for 12s.